Reviewed by Tom Lawler Set the scene: FOOL FOR LOVE, by the late, Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Sam Shepard, is typically considered one of the greatest of the nearly 60 he penned over a 50-year writing, directing and acting career. Adjacent to his celebrated “family trilogy” (which includes BURIED CHILD and TRUE WEST) and exploring similar themes ...
The Fourth Walsh
Theatre with a side of life
Category Steppenwolf Theatre
Review “Noises Off” (Steppenwolf Theatre): Zany Escape from Our Ludicrous Reality
Steppenwolf Theatre presents NOISES OFF. Playwright Michael Frayn penned a madcap farce about theatre. A group of London actors work to put on a show. It gets intense on and offstage as their personal lives interfere with their job. It’s not just about forgetting lines. The players are threatening to walk out, to get drunk and ...
Review “POTUS” (Steppenwolf Theatre): Smart Comedy or Full-Fledged Lampoon? Yes!
Steppenwolf Theatre presents the Chicago Premiere of POTUS: Or, Behind Every Great Dumbass are Seven Women Trying to Keep Him Alive. In this political environment, Selina Fillinger’s play is particularly timely. Her clever premise suggests although an elected buffoon is the face of the POTUS office, the brains, heart and wit running the country is an ...
Review “Bald Sisters” (Steppenwolf Theatre): More Sitcom Than Dramedy
Steppenwolf Theatre presents the World Premiere of the BALD SISTERS. Two sisters clash over the funeral arrangements for their mother. It’s a likely scenario that has happened or will happen in many families. Playwright Vichet Chum uses a mother’s death to pile on the friction. The grieving sisters must confront their sibling rivalry, religious differences, and ...
Review “The Most Spectacularly Lamentable Trial of Miz Martha Washington” (Steppenwolf Theatre): Verdict is in… Must See!
Steppenwolf Theatre Company presents the Chicago premier of Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright James Ijames’ fantastical play THE MOST SPECTACULARLY LAMENTABLE TRIAL OF MIZ MARTHA WASHINGTON. Ijames knows how to tell a story! His thoroughly entertaining tale imagines a fever delirious Martha Washington being confronted by her slaves. The underlying premise is the actual provision in George Washington’s will. ...
Review “Seagull” (Steppenwolf Theatre): Peyankov’s Adaptation Finds the Humor
Steppenwolf Theatre presents Yasen Peyankov’s adaptation of Anton Chekhov’s SEAGULL. Chekhov penned his dark comedy in 1895. The play focuses on a writer’s (played by Namir Smallwood) quest for love from his mother (played by Luisa Strus), his neighbor Nina (played by Caroline Neff) and his audience. At the onset of the show, Smallwood debuts his ...
Review “King James” (Steppenwolf Theatre): Winner!
Steppenwolf Theatre and Center Theatre Group presents the World Premiere of KING JAMES. Just in time for March Madness, Playwright Rajiv Joseph debuts his tribute to the Cleveland Cavaliers. Joseph tells the tale of two fans turned friends. The guys meet to purchase season tickets as LeBron James joins the Cavs. Their resulting bromance chronicles LeBron’s ...
Review “Bug”(Steppenwolf Theatre): A Creepy-Crawly Demented Nightmare
Steppenwolf Theatre presents BUG. A woman battles loneliness. A man fights to be free. They both want to escape their pasts. They meet at a party and it changes their lives… forever. Playwright Tracy Letts twists a rom-com-like premise into a demented nightmare. Letts lets his paranoia run wild and wacky. He pulls the audience into ...
Review “Dance Nation” (Steppenwolf Theatre): Dreams. Hopes. Desires. Needs.
Reviewed by Kevin Porter Steppenwolf Theatre Company presents DANCE NATION. Dreams. Hopes. Desires. Needs. Is there ever a time where these concerns are of greater import than age 13? The required casting of actors all across the age spectrum in Dance Nation made me think Clare Barron believes these concerns are just as towering, dramatic, and exciting at each point of ...