Hell in a Handbag Productions presents RUDOLPH THE RED-HOSED REINDEER, An Unauthorized Parody. The infamous “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” debuted in 1964. The animated TV special about a reindeer with a really shiny nose also introduced an elf wanting to be a dentist, an abominable snow monster and an entire island of misfit toys. The show ...
The Fourth Walsh
Theatre with a side of life
Category Hell in a Handbag Productions
Review “A Fine Feathered Murder” (Hell in a Handbag Productions): Mother Flocking Fun!
Hell in a Handbag Productions presents the World Premiere A FINE FEATHERED MURDER: A MISS MARBLED MYSTERY. As a long-standing fan of Hell in a Handbag, I enjoyed seeing Artistic Director and Playwright David Cerda’s latest creation in the location I experienced my first Handbag encounter. Many, many years (decades?) ago, I saw Cerda’s clever and ...
Review “Bewildered” (Hell in a Handbag): Frothy, Bawdy, Carefree Flashback!
Hell in a Handbag presents BEWILDERED. Fans of the beloved 60s TV show "Bewitched" get a treat this Halloween season. The creative team of Ron Weaver (book, lyrics, music) and Aaron Benham (music, lyrics) revisit the mixed marriage of a witch and a mortal. This time the tale is narrated from the perspective of the noisy ...
EXTENDED Thru June 17 “Lady X: The Musical” (Hell in a Handbag): Cat’s Meow… Still!
Hell in a Handbag Productions presents the world premiere of the LADY X: THE MUSICAL. These are laugh lines. - Estelle Must have been one hell of a joke! - Scarlett HILARIOUS!!! Playwright David Cerda premiered his spoof on melodrama films from the 1930's and 40's in 2010 (my full review). Seven years later, he brings it back ...
Review “Bette, Live At The Continental Baths” (Hell in a Handbag): A Sure Bette!
Hell in a Handbag presents a remount of its successful BETTE, LIVE AT THE CONTINENTAL BATHS. Caitlin Jackson (Bette Midler) takes us back to the beginnings of a legend. An unknown Bette Midler accompanied by an unknown pianist, Barry Manilow (played by Jeremy Ramey), started their careers in a gay bathhouse in 1971. The effervescent Jackson ...
Review “Divine Sisters” (Hell in a Handbag): Nuns-in-Drag! Holy Crap!
Hell in a Handbag Productions presents the Chicago premiere of DIVINE SISTERS. It’s summer. It’s time for camp. And nobody does camp like Hell in a Handbag! I’ve been a long-time fan of Artistic Director David Cerda and his Handbag crew. I even gave them a shout out in a recent review of a show in dire ...
My Top Ten Unforgettable 2015 Plays
It is my great fortune to live in a town that is bursting with so much theatrical talent. About seven years ago, I stumbled into reviewing the Chicago theatre scene. Every show enhances my understanding of theatre and life. I enjoy most every production for some aspect. The stinkers have been a single digit percentage ...
EXTENDED Thru Jan 2 “Christmas Dearest” (Hell in a Handbag): The Twisted Genius of David Cerda
Hell in a Handbag presents CHRISTMAS DEAREST. Tired of the same old annual Christmas shows being dusted off and remounted across Chicago? Hell in a Handbag knows the remedy to too much tradition. They are ready to deck your hall, trim your tree and stuff your stocking with bright gaudy lampoon. The twisted genius of David Cerda ...
Review “Scream Queen Scream” (Hell in a Handbag): Office Temps, Drunken Shrews, Diabolical Siblings… OH MY!
Hell in a Handbag Productions presents the World Premiere of SCREAM QUEEN SCREAM. In his newest endeavor, Playwright David Cerda is serving up a frightening treat for the Halloween season. SCREAM QUEEN SCREAM is three plays in one: “Taco Tuesday,” “The Box” and “Shut Up and Die, Maggie!” This isn’t your kid’s worst nightmare. It’s yours! ...