Derek Evans presents his one man show, TEDDY ROOSEVELT: THE MAN IN THE ARENA.
Much like the 26th President of the United States, Derek Evans’ personality fills the theatre. With a big booming voice and jovial presence, he greets the audience while gluing on a mustache and donning the familiar spectacles. The physical transformation is almost unnecessary because Evans embodies the rough rider, Theodore Roosevelt. The show plays out like a labor of love and admiration as Evans, writer/producer/performer, plays his hero.
Evans shares stories of Teddy’s life aided only by a few roll-up posters. His storytelling engages as he describes his cancer-stricken father meeting him on the train platform. He reveals little personal nuggets like how TR often lost his spectacle. Leading him to sewed several spares into his calvary uniform because of a severe vision impairment. Evans balances between the man and the legend by chronicling both personal and professional tales. The evening was an amusing history lesson by a convincing impersonator.
I would highly recommend TEDDY ROOSEVELT: THE MAN IN THE ARENA. As I understand, it is continuing to play during the coronavirus pandemic. I would also highly recommend that Evans adjust his performance to not interact with audience members. At my Thursday performance, he shook hands, handed over his spectacles and made someone hold a teddy bear. Dear Mr. President, times have changed… keep your social distance.
Running Time: Seventy-five minutes with no intermission
Greenhouse Theater Center, 2257 N. Lincoln
Written, produced and performed by Derek Evans
Thursdays, Fridays at 7:30pm
Saturdays at 2:30 and 7:30pm
Sundays at 2:30pm
Thru April 19th
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