Halloween No-No’s

Friday, October 31, 2014 Permalink 0

tumblr_ndv7c4nJ0e1rofql9o1_500Yesterday, a stranger randomly said to me, “you’re all dressed up for Halloween.”

I answered affirmatively.  I was ‘dressed up’ for work.  I mean I wasn’t wearing sweats.  Two moments later, I realized she thought I was wearing a costume.  I was wearing a long skirt and coat with a bright orange scarf AND I had several bags in my hands.  What did she think my costume was?  Hippie, Gypsy, Homeless gal, witch?  No idea what masquerade the woman thought I was doing.  Yet, it prompted me to think about the many potential holiday blunders that people should avoid.

Halloween No-No’s

*Don’t assume someone is wearing a costume. (see above)

*If it’s OBVIOUS there is a costume, don’t ask, ‘what are you supposed to be?‘  Whether they put a lot of effort or no effort into it, no one wants to explain their costume. If you don’t get it, just move on with a knowing nod and slight chuckle. 

*Don’t go to a costume party without a costume on.  You’re not that cool.  In fact, you’re coming off lame.  You can find a costume anywhere.  I once wore my pajamas, a face mask and curlers and went as a Desperate Housewife.  The transition for bedtime was instant and my face was glowing the next day. Don’t overthink it!  Keep it simple!  And if you don’t want to wear a costume, stay home.    

*When you’re out mingling among the masked monsters, remember some of them really are monsters.  The horrible people of the world dress for the spook-fest too.  That Bride of Frankenstein could break your heart.  And that Bart Simpson might even kill you.  Be careful!

*Enjoy the candy but don’t over enjoy the candy.  I learned last Saturday after chomping through a half bag of candy corn, eating too much candy can make me sick.  Avoid intestinal unattractiveness by knowing your body’s limits.

*Don’t bother with crap candy!  Especially if you need to enjoy your candy in moderation, eat the best stuff first… the Snickers, 3 Musketeers, Paydays, ANYTHING Caramel.  Discard the Laffy Taffy, smarties, dum-dums, ANY hard candy.

*When choosing between trick or treat, prioritize ‘treat.‘  No one is looking to be tricked.  Save your elaborate hoax for April and just shower people in candy. 

*Remember the day is for the kids or the kid-inside.  Don’t poo-poo someone’s fun by taking the holiday too seriously.  Appreciate their elaborate costume, their decorated home, their Halloween-crazed attitude.  Let this creepy holiday be fun!


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