Review “Circus Quixote” (Lookingglass Theatre): F-U-N Escape From Reality!

Monday, February 10, 2025 Permalink 0

Lookingglass Theatre, in conjunction with The Actors Gymnasium, presents the World Premiere of CIRCUS QUIXOTE.

Don Quixote is a legendary character from the17th century. Years of chivalry-inspired literature makes him believe he is a knight. He recruits a neighbor to be his squire and sets out on a crusade. He attacks dragons (windmills). He visits castles (inns). And charms noble ladies (prostitutes). Adaptors and Directors Kerry and David Catlin team up with Circus and Movement Choreographer Sylvia Hernandez-DiStasi to create a charming spectacle about dreaming the impossible dream.

The Catlins imagine Don Quixote’s epic journey as a madcap caper. Their storytelling captures the intricate details of Miguel de Cervantes’ novel while leaning heavily into the ludicrous. Their playful handling of the narrative mirrors Quixote’s illusions by blurring the lines between the actual story and the writing of the story. Knowledgeable Quixote readers will especially enjoy some subtle cerebral ticklers.     

The delightfully obtuse Michel Rodríguez Cintra (Quijote) leads the talented and versatile ensemble. Each performer (Micah Figueroa, Laura Murillo Hart, Julian Hester, Eduardo Martinez, Andrea San Miguel and Ayana Strutz) plays multiple roles and feats of circus astonishment. Hernandez-DiStasi masterfully choreographs plenty of mystifying movement. Cintra and Figueroa battle it out by spinning on the windmill,  climbing up polls, and repelling from the rafters. Hart rises like the moon to serenade the crowd… sometimes upside. San Miguel lures Cintra into a suspended net with some crazy twists and turns. And Hester and Strutz’s aerial dance perfectly personifies the phrase ‘love is in the air.’ Their romantic and athletic tango is marveling!

CIRCUS QUIXOTE is designed for F-U-N! And the designers join in the merry-making! Courtney O’Neill (scenic) creates an enormous wall of books as the backdrop. Sully Ratke (costumes) dresses the ensemble for enchanting illusions and stunt practicality. Grace Needlman (puppet) concocts oversize evil threats and pocket-size royalty to entertain.

Lookingglass Theatre is back to theatre business after a couple years. CIRCUS QUIXOTE is the perfect premiere return. It reminds us what we’ve been missing! We need  Lookingglass providing uplifting escapes to inspire wonder and resilience especially when the journey is long and dark.              

SIDENOTE: Lookingglass says the show is for anyone 8+. The complexity of the narrative made a few children at my performance squirrelly which was distracting for other guests. I would recommend ages 12+ and a quick peek at the wiki page as refresher on Don Quijote’s tale.

Running Time: Two hours and twenty-four minutes includes an intermission

At Lookingglass’ Joan and Paul Theatre at Water Tower Works, 163 E. Pearson

Based on Miguel de Cervantes’ “Don Quijote of La Mancha”

Written and directed by Kerry and David Catlin

Circus and move choreographer by Sylvia Hernandez-DiStasi

Performances are:

Tuesdays, Wednesdays,Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays at 7pm

Thursdays, Saturdays, Sundays at 1:30pm   

Thru March 30

For more information or tickets

Production photos by Joe Mazza, brave lux

For more Chicago theatre information and reviews, please visit Theatre in Chicago

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