Broadway in Chicago presents SIX The Musical.
Divorced. Beheaded. Died! Divorced. Beheaded. Survived!!
This concert-styled musical engages from the first note. These Queens came back to life to compete against each other. The contest is to determine whose life was the most tragic. Despite the disconcerting theme of abusive, murdering husband, SIX is everything but sad. In the 21st Century, these wives are no longer victims. They are majestic. They are empowered. They are fierce!
Every song is a clever and insightful take on the wives of Henry the VIII. Creators Toby Marlow and Lucy Moss tell the herstory and the backstory of these Queens. Marlow and Moss (also serving as co-director with Jamie Armitage) give each of the women individualistic style and a voice to be heard. Cheeky songs like “Don’t Lose Your Head” and “All You Wanna Do” allow Anne Boleyn and Katherine Howard to kill it… this time. “No Way” and “Get Down” establish Catherine of Aragon and Anna of Cleves with the true power base. And “Heart of Stone” and “I Don’t Need Your Love” are searing ballads by the true romantics of the six, Jane Seymour and Catherine Parr.
Finally, the Queens are in the spotlight. It’s their moment to shine. And they do it in spectacular costumes (Designer Gabriella Slade) that only hint at monarch fashion. The modernized styles are sexy and flashy. Henry who?
This was my third time seeing this Queens’ concert. Different cast. Same winning ensemble. The upbeat energy and vibrant performances are tight! Kristina Leopold (Catherine of Aragon), Cassie Silva (Anne Boleyn), Kelly Denice Taylor (Jane Seymour), Danielle Mendoza (Anna of Cleves), Understudy Taylor Sage Evans (Katherine Howard) and Adriana Scalice (Catherine Parr) crush it.
SIX is a 10! Marlow and Moss rule!! Their innovative herstory lesson is unforgettable and fun. The experience is a true royal original.
Running Time: Eighty minutes with no intermission
At The Nederlander Theatre, 24 W. Randolph
Created by Toby Marlow and Lucy Moss
Directed by Lucy Moss and Jamie Armitage
Choreographed by Carrie-Anne Ingrouille
Music Supervision by Joe Beighton
Performances are:
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays at 7pm
Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30pm
Wednesdays at 1pm
Saturdays at 2pm
Sundays at 1pm
Thru July 14
For more information or tickets
Production photos by Joan Marcus
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