I viewed the blood red moon from my roof this a.m. It was underwhelming. It looked like a distant, fuzzy, orangish circle. I took a picture but it was even less impressive in a photo. To make the most of my roof excursion, I snapped a picture of day breaking. Now, that’s something amazing to see.
Good morning, Wednesday!
I had one of those days yesterday. It wasn’t a bad day. It was meh! I wasn’t terribly productive. My morning started out limping. I became distracted stalking the internet. I wasn’t ‘surfing’ because ‘surfing’ is fun. Stalking is the correct description. I was looking for information that eluded me all day despite my ongoing fixation.
I did get a few things completed: lashes freshened, dreadmill jogging practice, and my opera review written. But midday a meeting was canceled. It threw me off. Usually, ‘no meeting’ would make me elated. On this occasion, I had scheduled my entire day around it. And an hour before it was to happen, it was postponed until Friday. The change sent me to the tub for a soak and to watch a “Gilmore Girl” rerun (GG’s seven seasons are now streaming on Netflix).
On Monday, I had stumbled on a potential couch. I’m not one to ‘shop around.‘ If I find something that speaks to me, I buy it. I’m decisive. On this purchase, I wondered if it was too much. Price-wise, it was less than I intended to spend. ‘Too much‘ in this instance meant color and size for my place. Last evening, I coaxed Bill and Roger to a couch viewing. Their ‘nay’ or ‘yay’ would determine whether my goal was completed. They liked my selection but thought it was ‘way too much.‘ Roger encourages me to tape off the floor and develop a furniture plan. He’s wise. I’m not that planned on this project. I’m most likely to continue my search guided by my whims and not his sensibilities.
I start today with feelings of untied loose ends. I’m still zealously stalking the internet. I need to adjust my schedule to accommodate the newly-made Friday meeting. And my couch is somewhere out there waiting for me to find it. Today, I want to be able to scratch off some To-Do’s into the To-Done pile.