The deviation plan

Tuesday, August 5, 2014 Permalink 0


IMG_1812I’ve been Grace-d with another week.  It’s Act 2 on drama camp.  I had a nice intermission to stretch my legs, have a drink and use the loo… a few times.  I’m recommitted to managing a kid along with my workouts and book club reading….oh and my job!  

I’ve always loved juggling my life activities.  I often consider myself an air traffic controller at work.  My boss leans toward prioritizing everything.  My job is to line my team’s projects up and bring them in on schedule and on budget.  It’s tricky, maybe even nerve-racking, at times.  Yet, as McKenna says, in my recently watched American Girl movie, “breathe in blue skies and breathe out gray skies.”  And she should know, McKenna qualified for the regionals in gymnastics.  

Monday afternoon was this summer’s typical Chicago weather, sporadic torrential downpours.  When you’re commuting with a kid and without a car or an umbrella, rain is a major obstacle.  By the time I got to camp, I had a deviation plan.  Before I even uttered it, Grace gave the perfect prelude for it.  She showed me her gold star certificate.  Grace was honored for ‘being supportive during the talent show.‘  (Don’t tell Megan or Christy.  Grace wants to tell them.)  I was delighted to hear she received 1 of 3 Monday special recognitions.                

ME:  That calls for a celebration.

GRACE:  Yeah!  What will we do?

ME:  Let’s go to a movie.

GRACE:  Really?

ME:  Absolutely!

It was my deviation plan and had just been elevated to special reward.  We went to Webster Place to see “Planes: Fire and Rescue.”  I haven’t been to the movies since my pre-Oscar blitz.  Webster got all classy on me.  You pick your seats when you buy your tickets.  And the extra big seats are reclining with a footrest, a cupholder and a pivoting table.  Nice!!    

The movie itself was adorbs.  A little dicey in spots but *SPOILER ALERT* a happy ending.  I took this picture when Grace wasn’t ready for it.  In this Facebook and phone-camera era, I imagine kids pictures are taken all the time.  I’ve noticed when I tell Grace I’m going to take her picture, her silly pose can be unattractive and fairly obnoxious.  When I catch her off-guard, she looks like a little girl enjoying the benefits of her reward.    


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