I’m a natural!

Sunday, August 3, 2014 Permalink 0


images“You’re a natural!”  

Josh complimented my stance during a new exercise yesterday.  The movement is rising up from waist level to  pin-up girl diagonal.  Chest out.  Neck long.  And the motion is conducted while pulling up on endurance straps at my side.     

Natural?!  I’ll take the compliment.  Most of my appearance during our sessions is unnatural looking.  One might say hideous or grotesque.  Although I’m doing and looking better on pushups, I flip over to do leg ups and its not only grueling, it’s unattractive.  And I’m huffing and puffing and cursing.  I imagined two people departing the gym yesterday reported Josh at the security desk for elderly abuse.       

Still, I trust that he knows what he is doing.  I feel stronger everyday.  And I’m recommitted to getting in my dreadmill homework 4 times this week….even with a houseguest!  The process itself is reenergizing.  The more I do the I more I want to do more.  Egads, what a sentence but seriously, it’s a true sentiment.  

Since I met him when we served at a restaurant together, Josh has wanted to decipher my eating habits.  During our shifts, he’d either order grilled chicken and rice OR The Josh, ham and cheese on pumpernickel. I’d have The Katy, grilled chicken with cheese on a pretzel roll.  We occasionally ordered the other’s go-to sandwich.  Since those serving days of yore, we’ve had many a meal together.  He usually opts for some type of plain chicken or egg white omelet.  I usually have a sandwich but always just half of it.  He’s raised a mostly silent eyebrow at my food choices for years. 

Now, that he is a paid consultant on Team Katy.  He has chosen to wade into treacherous waters.  He wants to get involved in my meal choices.  And despite years of resistance to his input, I’m letting him.  

It’s not him.  It was always me.  His body is like a machine.  He eats to fuel it. Josh is the epitome of optimal functioning.  He couldn’t be in better shape.  

Me?!  I could be in better shape.  I’ve been food obsessed for over four decades.  I strive to get away from thinking about food.  I try to eat healthy with regular Vega-One bars and salads for breakfast and lunch. At dinner, I let others order at a restaurant and I share what sounds good to them.  My passivity is intentional.  I don’t want to be back in the Weight Watcher mindset where daily energy is consumed with non-stop thoughts about what else can I eat.  It’s all apart of my conspiracy theory of the diet industry.  They keep people fat by building food obsessions.               

Anyway, I’m letting Josh steer me toward revving up my metabolism.  For a long time, I have had coffee in the morning and nothing to eat for 3-4 hours.   He is challenging me to have my Vega One bar in the first thirty minutes I’m up.  And a few hours later, I will have a more natural protein option like eggs.  I’m committed to giving it a try.  

So, I guess it’s time to scramble some eggs.  


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