….unfinished, imperfect lives.
I saw the play EAT YOUR HEART OUT on Saturday. The story was both funny and dramatic. The characters were a hot mess. Each infrequently said the wrong thing in trying to get what they wanted. They were authentic people. And just as all the scenarios came to a life altering moment, it ended. The show stopped in mid life crisis. No one knew if people changed or stayed the same.
I loved the writer’s choice on that ending.
Someone recently said to me, “it’s your kind of play, dark and angsty.”
I laughed. The truth is my taste in plays has changed. After seeing circa 1000 over the last five years, I do prefer the meatier ones. I enjoy the light and fluffy ones too. A cute rom-com, a big blockbuster musical, a madcap comedy often match my mood completely. It’s why I like witty television sitcoms… no brainers. I can just relax and laugh.
The appeal of the darker plays is it’s an opportunity to look at life from a different angle. It broadens my vision. I learn. It forces me to confront life’s imperfections. It reminds me people aren’t perfect. We are flawed. We say the wrong things. We do the wrong things. We want the wrong things.
I also am a huge fan of Games of Thrones. The complexities of that world are phenomenal. I’m in awe of writer George R.R. Martin. He continually unfolds riveting character development and then stops them abruptly. They stop because they die…usually violently. Most episodes end with an “Oh. My. God.” moment. Martin regularly kills off the hero in focus. This practice draws viewers deeper into this realm. We are constantly readjusting our expectations and alliances.
In last night’s episode, my favorite character, Arya approaches a castle and is told she should have been there three days earlier. The mistress has died. Arya’s response is laughter. For four seasons, she has been trying to get to a family member. She gets within yards and they are being killed or already dead.
GoT illustrates the abrupt finality of unfinished, imperfect lives. It’s a reminder that life is messy and unpredictable and over instantly.
Every day is another day to try to be better.
“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” – Buddha