In gratitude…

Friday, May 9, 2014 Permalink 0

get_attachment1I’m practicing living life more mindfully.  I am using the book “How to Train a Wild Elephant” as a guide.  This week’s challenge was to write down 5 things daily that I was thankful for…

*creative minds

*solid leadership

*dynamic team





*mind broadening theatre

*cabs…especially a clean smelling one

*a dryer that works


*that I didn’t/don’t own a restaurant

*the feeling of completion



*my parents

*fresh air

*physical stamina

*cheerful nature


*a part-time gig that pays cash


*tomato bread at Calo’s

*American Bagel egg sandwich

*freshly pedicured toes


*66 degree weather


*comfy shoes


*going to bed early

*a view


*life discussions over breakfast with a dear friend

The discovery section of the book says 40% of happiness is determined by intentional activities (Lywbomirsky).  “People who keep a daily ‘gratitude journal’ or who regularly express gratitude to people who have been kind to them show a significant increase in happiness and decrease in depression.”

The deeper lesson is that minds drudge up the negative.  They play bad memories over and over trying to change the outcome.  They run worst case scenarios.  I’m only on day 2 of my Serenity April but I know that is so true.  Once I slow down and relax, my mind fills the empty space with a home-made brew of craziness. In the quiet, the noise gets louder in my head.  I replay conversations and situations.  I dramatize a hearty stew of negativity and ladle myself heaping servings.  Don’t eat the soup!  Put the spoon down!   Let it go.

Final Words:  Turn the unhappy mind toward discovering even one thing it can be grateful for.

Next week’s challenge is “Listening to Sounds.”  I’m to open my hearing 360 degrees and listen.  What does my life sound like?  Huh?

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