Happy Mother’s Day!

Sunday, May 11, 2014 Permalink 0


BOY5Happy Mother’s Day!

I spent yesterday hanging out with my mom.  We hung out on her screen porch. And then we hung out at Jenny’s house.  And then we hung out again on her screen porch.  I’m blessed! Mother’s Day is the annual reminder to be thankful for the woman that birthed you, the person that raised you, the person that loves you unconditionally.  For me, it’s all the same person, my mom.  

Dear mom, because of you I know what joy is. 

National Runaway Safeline launched the Because of You campaign.  The initiative is an opportunity to honor a mother, a sister or any person that has made a difference in your life.  By making a tribute to her or him through the campaign, you also support critical services for youth in crisis.  It’s not too late to celebrate Mother’s Day with a gift of hope.  

Happy Mother’s Day to you and yours!


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