I’ve been home now…literally… for nearly 39 hours. During the bulk of that time, the temperature has hovered at -15. Chicago is currently at a crisp -9 and on the rise. Noon is the estimate for returning to positive numbers. I never knew that 1 degree would be such a positive goal.
Absolutely, I know how fortunate I am. I have a home. I am warm and safe. I have a job that didn’t require my attendance on Monday or today (Tuesday). My 28 floor condo building has forced heat. With a surplus of older residents, our temp has always been somewhere between cosy and sultry. Throughout this Polar Vortex, I have been in short sleeves. My building also has a commissary in it. It is a mini store with the essentials, including; wine and cookies. I have no right to complain. I’m weathering this storm without duress.
Still, I’ve never spent so much quality time alone. I had been easing into this Polar Vortex since late last week. I, sporadically, decided to decline outings and stay in. I was already in good shape on tidying up the homefront. So, when I went into solitary confinement, I completed chores like cleaning closets, writing thank you notes and filing papers. I’m caught up on TV shows and have watched a few movies. I’ve changed my pajamas twice. I’ve called/texted friends. I’m doing my daily sun salutations. I’ve finished off the box of windmill cookies and the bottle of cabernet. Now what? Oh yeah, I’ve got cabin fever.
If I had to do this Polar Vortex all over again, here’s what I’d do differently….
*I wouldn’t have taken a bath. Sure, I had all the time in the world to relax in my favorite past time. Still, I fretted the entire time. I felt guilty for the people without heat or hot water. And I also worried that the electricity would suddenly go off and I would freeze to death in my tub. I had visions of the horrific scene of frozen people in the movie “Titanic.” Plus, it dried me out.
*I’d remember earlier that my humidifier dials up. Last night, I woke up completely dehydrated. My skin was parchment. My tongue was leather. My snot was solidified. It was not until 24-hours in and being physically dried up that I recalled my humidifier has a more aggressive setting.
*I would have shopped at a real store. During my brunch shift, I boasted the commissary’s convenience for my pending arctic chillax. I didn’t anticipate that all their freezers were being replaced. So, frozen food options were out. Yesterday for lunch and dinner, I had Polar Vortex Chili Mac. My recipe is a box of Velveeta mac & cheese and a can of Hormel turkey chili. It was actually tasty. It just was redundant. Today’s menu is the Soup Du Jour: chicken noodle.
*I’d have an emergency puzzle ready. My family was notorious for putting a puzzle together in shut-in days of yore. It’s a perfect activity that gives you a faux sense of accomplishment and purpose. I’ve spent too much time looking at my computer and my cell screens. Puzzling something physically together would be a nice distraction.
It’s -9 at 7am. The entire day stretches is front of me. What to do? What to do?